Could not find 'RLEG' resource! Handle Go Bye-Bye! Error opening music library: Unknown hardware. Error starting music library. Error saving game. Error opening saved game file. Error opening preferences file. Could not create new preferences file. Resource error while opening file “Map”. Resource error while opening file “Game Sprites”. The game templates are corrupted. Re-install program. Corrupted “PICT” resource. Re-install program. Memory error. Try giving this application more memory. The game templates are missing. Re-install program. An error has occured while calling FSRead(). An error has occured while calling SetFPos(). An error has occured while calling OpenDF(). An error has occured while calling FSWrite(). Error opening “Map”. Sorry, SpaceGypsy requires a 512x384 monitor or larger capable of displaying 256 colors. Error opening “Game Sounds” Error while opening sound channel. A blitter initialization error has occured. NewGWorld error. Try giving this application more memory. This program cannot run on this machine. Be sure you have a 68020 processor or better, 32-Bit Quickdraw, and System 7.